Business Land Services is for all of the following services: Brown Tree Cutter, Brush Hogging, Extreme Brush Hogging, Forestry Mulching, Highway Mowing, Hydro Ax Clearing, Interstate Mowing, Land Clean Up Services, Land Clearing, Litter Control, Logging Clean Up, Slope Mowing, Stump Grinding, Stump Removal, Tractor Mowing, Tree Removal Services, Tree Trimming Services, Blower Services, Edging, Hedge Trimming, Weed Eating and Zero Turn Mowing

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It is important, especially if you need help within 5 days or immediately, to complete this section.

Business Name(*)
Please complete the Business Name field. If you are not a Business please use the Consumer Land Services Form. Thank You.

Your Full Name(*)
Please let us know your name. Thanks.

Submitter: Please tells us who you are. Thanks.

SUBJECT PROPERTY: The property needing work.

Job Address or GPS(*)
Please provide a location of some sort. Thanks.

Job City(*)
Please provide the town or nearest town where the job is located. Thanks.

Please enter your state. Thanks.

Phone Number(*)
Please provide at least 1 Phone number so we can call you if we have any questions. Thanks.

Your Email(*)
Please let us know your email address. Thanks.

Code Compliance(*)
Please answer Code Compliances.

CODE COMPLIANCE ISSUES take priority because the property owner generally has less than 10 days to comply or they will be fined. Cities, Counties, State, HOAs, POAs and the Federal Government, now have Code Compliance rules and regulations. These Codes regulate property conditions and builder building requirements. IN MOST CASES, investigation of code violations and enforcement action happens when a citizen reports a potential violation.

Property Size(*)
Please provide the size of the property and how much of it you want serviced. Thanks.

Property Size: List Acreage or Linear feet and width or sq feet.

Desired Frequency(*)
Frequency: Please Select One

Select one - Annual mows are higher per mow than monthly mows.

Primary Services(*)

Please choose at least 1 primary service. Thanks.

Check all boxes above and below for each and every service you need.

Additional Services(*)

Please make at least one Additional Services selection even it is N/A. Thanks.

Grass Type(*)

Please Select your type of grass or grasses or select "not sure" or N.A. Thanks.

Select your type of grass or grasses or select "not sure" or N.A.


Please select all plants types to be mowed or cleared or N/A. Thanks.

Please select all plants types to be mowed or cleared or N/A.

Saplings to be mowed(*)

Please choose one. If None then select none. Thanks.

Saplings are 2" diameter or less

Trees to be Cleared(*)

Choose all the types of trees you want hydro axed or excavated or select NONE. Thanks.

Choose all the types of trees you want hydro axed or excavated or select NONE.

Average Diameter(*)
Please enter tree diameter size or N/A. Thanks.

Please list the Average Tree Size (diameter) in inches that is going to be hydro axed or excavated or enter N/A.

Largest Diameter Tree(*)
Please enter the Largest Tree Size Diameter or N/A. Thanks.

Please list the Largest Tree Size (diameter) in inches that is going to be hydro axed or excavated or enter N/A.

What is your goal?(*)
Please let us know your goals. Thanks.

Invalid Input
